
Below is a list of links about important information as we currently know it. Some links may be removed by the time you click due to the silencing agenda of Truth and steal our freedoms.  
We're not the source of this information and any complaints should be directed to the source.  Read and watch with "critical thinking" by your choice.
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Web Link If you think you can handle the truth, here it is - Corruption. (2020)

Banned from YouTube, not found again!

Web Link

We've had a nationwide lock-down because people are fearful of dying from Covid-19.  But we now know that almost ALL of those deaths from Covid-19 “can be prevented” with simple, inexpensive and relatively non-toxic therapy (review the links below).  Evidence so far is 100% survival rate!

There is a growing number of critical care doctors in the US who have been very successfully using corticosteroids, anticoagulants and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in moderate to large doses orally or IV (preferably at least 1.5 grams by IV route every 6 hours). They ALL find that if these therapies are started in the first 6 hours after the arrival of a Covid-19 patient into the emergency room (as opposed to greater than 12 hours after presentation), the chance of ICU admission, ventilator use and DEATH are all markedly reduced. I believe that everyone should become a member of so that we can have a stronger voice!

1. Video Below

2. News Video & Artcle: MUST WATCH:

3. Article:

4. Article:


Web Link Bill Gates, if he took the truth pill? Unfortunately, this clip has too much reality to be funny.



This is a very interesting time for all in natural medicine, especially TKM.

Below is a copy and paste section from a publication – that is opening doors we want open.


Line 37.  In the treatment of an individual patient, where proven interventions do not exist or other known interventions have been ineffective, the physician, after seeking expert advice, with informed consent from the patient or a legally authorized representative, may use an unproven intervention if in the physician’s judgment it offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering. This intervention should subsequently be made the object of research, designed to evaluate its safety and efficacy. In all cases, new information must be recorded and, where appropriate, made publicly available.


Web Link World – 99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says

World – 99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says

By Tommaso Ebhardt, Chiara Remondini, and Marco Bertacche   March 18, 2020, 7:56 AM CDT


Web Link Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties

Article by Shigeaki (Shey) Hakusui, President, Harmonix Corporation. The demand for bandwidth is growing at a rapid pace.


Web Link COVID-19 Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19

Video Banned, not found again.


Short article and document: U.S, Patent on Coronavirus 2017...

Web Link COVID-19 Get the latest information from renown Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD

Banned from YouTube: Longer video but very informative on many aspects.

Web Link A professor at Tel Aviv University, Yitzhak Ben Israel, plotted the rates of new COVID-19 infections

Article: A professor at Tel Aviv University, Yitzhak Ben Israel, plotted the rates of new COVID-19 infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain.

The numbers tell the shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the “exact same way”. In the exact, same way! The graphs show that all countries experienced seemingly identical coronavirus infection patterns, with the number of infected peaking in the sixth week and rapidly subsiding by the eighth week.

…Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel concludes in his analysis summary paper that the data from the past 50 days indicates that the closure policies of the quarantine countries can be replaced by simply moderate social distancing policies. The numbers simply do not support quarantine or economic closure.


Web Link Bill Gates Briefing to CIA 2005 (vaccines for altering the mind, especially religious beliefs - administered via viruses).

Banned by YouTube: You've got to see this entire short video to understand the seriousness of intent and ability even 15 years ago.

Web Link Judy Mikovits in ‘Plandemic’

Banned by YouTube: Judy Mikovits in ‘Plandemic,’ the coronavirus conspiracy fact video was banned from social media. Thousads of videos have been banned in the past few months from social media. So much for “freedom of speech” and allowing people to make their own decision with opposing opinions.

Web Link FYI

This is a good place to remind people there are powerful sources that pretend their goal and purpose is to protect you, when they are simply censoring and only allowing and supporting what fits their agenda for how they will inform/program the public and mold all of society into what they think is best – or best for them. I posted this note early 2020, but by now it should be evident to everyone.

All sources bent on doing this have the same general agenda which comes down to “we know what is best for everyone - globally” and you/individuals in the public do not have enough sense or intelligence to discern what is good for you, your spouse, children, grandchildren, your choices for health, business, or really any other aspect of life.

All of this has been going on by the smallest percentage of the global population throughout history. But, we (USA) have a national Constitution written and voted on by a brave group (against the powers reigning at the time) and had the amazing foresight to help protect the freedoms and rights of the people, all people, in the United States – only if they know their rights and stand up for them according to Constitutional rights  – of individual states and the entire country. Obviously we have lost many of those rights already and may soon lose all of them, IF we do not know our rights and collectively stand up for them against any source trying to take them away.

I was going to simply state briefly – to at least double and triple check any resources for verifying facts (critical thinking), but it led to what the agenda is behind the most known resources that are fact checking for us. The point is to not allow any source to tell you the facts – check them out for yourself. Check the fact checkers!

Simple examples are: Quack Watch: a resource for an FDA advocate that does not look to investigate anything whatsoever, like they say is their protocol. But only to list everything that is not FDA approved. This is done by a Psychiatrist that has been a spokesperson for the FDA and has not performed any studies or had any conversations with those listed as quackery.

Now I must say that there is probably a ton of actual quackery listed, but it is grouped with everything not FDA approved, like every natural resource such as supplement manufacturers, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbals, dietary, and basically anything that is not approved as a synthetic toxic, side effect causing drug. Plus any person in practice to help people in non-standardized medical ways – effective or not. This includes licensed medical doctors practicing integrative medicine and helping people recover safely at times when standardized medicine offers no hope.

Oh yes, to be completely transparent I’ve been listed on Quack Watch for a few decades. I feel honored to be listed among some of the greatest people to help mankind in this country.  And no I never protested it, because I learned long ago that it is foolish to argue with a fool.

What about “Fact Checkers” and many other sources. Some even start out with the right agenda, but get corrupted with power or influence, or simply don’t get it right all the time. Sometimes it is their own beliefs that are decision/judgment vs the facts.  It is too easy to twist or slightly “spin” something to make it sound totally different.   So the point is not to discount everything, but to truly check it out for yourself and the sources, plus the opposite side as well – check all the facts with critical thinking to hopefully make wise informed choices .


Web Link Documents referred to in video above: Particularly read pgs. 8-11 of this report & look at GPMB members of the board -pg. 42.

Global Plandemic

Web Link Party Platform for 2020 Election Comparison Chart: You should read all


Web Link The True Source: General McInerney's interview video provides much understanding of what is currently going on.


Web Link Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Emergency Warning: Vaccine Created Spike Protein is Deadly in the Human Body



Skeptical at first, I'm a believer now!I've not only seen benefits in my own life, I've met several people with serious conditions who have experienced amazing results.

- Jeff Jones, CEO of J. Levin Productions and Sr. Producer of "Life Today" with James Robinson.


GK white shirt
Dr. King has authored a dozen books on the subject, spoken internationally at health conferences and meetings, is the founder and director of King Institute, LLC, and the Better Health Center in Frisco, Texas, and has researched bioelectromagnetic energy in relation to man’s health for over 30 years.


I've found TKM® to be a very powerful healing method! TKM® Therapy Was Very Potent...I believe TKM® is where health restoration needs to go, toward encouraging the body to step up to the awesome power God has provided for the body to heal itself.

- Leigh Taylor Young, Actress, Peyton Place Star, Soylent Green, The Horsemen, Picket Fences, Kelpto.. among dozens more who have appeared on stage, screen, tv, radio, and podcast.


"There is no logical reason for the Medical Community and the Public to not embrace the techniques of TKM®."

Gregory L. Rookwood - National Police Trainer


I have found TKM® to be extremely effective. It has changed my life and many of my patients.

- Dr. William Lee Cowden, M.D., Cardiologist


I Am Very Happy This Method Has Given Me Back My Life.

- Dr. Steve Smith, D.D.S.




I have experienced TKM® personally and it is very powerful and effective... - Burton Goldburg, Alternative Medicine Editor; Future Medicine Publisher's Editor

I Would Be One To Defend This Method To Anyone, Anywhere, At Any Time. - Dr. Charles Hawes, D.O.

This Is A Simple But Powerful Process That Anyone Can And Should Learn. - Dr. Robert Battle, M.D.

I Strongly Affirm Dr. King's Use Of TKM® For Healing. - Senior Pastor Richard E. Scheafer, United Methodist Church

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